17 July 2007

Desperate Ruminations

The founder of AMG finally asked me—his dear old Da—to join the ranks of this elite corp of thought-provoking word smiths.

My first entry below was the by-product of some honest and painful self-evaluation. I'm not sure if it reflects the universal experience of God's people, or just the anxieties of one man alone. You be the judge.

I want the DNA God has granted me—
My unique sequence of genetic code—to matter
In the playing out of His
Grand scheme.

I hope the life God as entrusted to me is more
Than mere existence; more than purposeless
Wandering with no

I dream the gifts God has bestowed on me
Will glorify His name with excellence
While they bring pleasure to His

I pray the deeds God has willed me to do
Will demonstrate true charity, humility,
And Christ-focused


I despair: God seems far removed
From the vain toil and grind
Of a life motivated by
Selfish ambition.

I give up: God cannot approve of a heart
Devoted to lesser gods that soon perish—He
Must turn His holy face away—as they
Vie for His glory.

I confess: God is not—long has not been—the
Mover of my affections or the first Love that
Makes my soul swoon with
Unbridled passion.

I quail: God—to whom I owe all—
Will one day judge my every attitude,
Word, and deed only to
Find me wanting.

I fear: God in His just wrath will pour out the
Full measure of woe—all that secret sins and
Half-truths told deserve—for long-harbored

I cry out: God show mercy to a stone-hearted
Sinner—whose misdeeds prove him a sinner—whom death
Will claim if he lacks a heart made flesh by Your
Transforming hand.

I repent: God take the guilt, the reeking
Offal of self; consume it entirely in the raging
Effulgence of eternal,
Unbounded glory.


Unknown said...

Nice to meet you, Andrew's Da. :)

It isn't just you, your post rings true with me as well. Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

To echo Leanna's comment Uncle Jim, no, you're not alone.

Thanks for sharing this with us. :)


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hello Mr. S!
I believe we met at Urbana this past December. How are you?
I know that I often find myself burdened with those same sentiments, though with far less eloquence. I believe all believers who are honest and self evaluating have had that experience.
Welcome to the team! I look forward to reading what you have to say.

Anonymous said...

that was awesome!
